"Cool for Stools" Article - Interior Design Magazine
Excellent feature in Interior Design Magazine featuring our Deluxe 18” Stools photographed by Paul Goodwin as well as many other amazing stool designs. I love the painted ceramic stools!

Elle Magazine - Bulgaria
Deckstool Recycled Skateboard Stools and Skateboard Bench featured, 2013.

Flip Your Skateboard Into Furniture - NY Times T Magazine
Featured in the NY Times Style mag, T Magazine. Journalist Kari Molvar interviews Jason Podlaski at Cons Project NYC and learns how to make a Deckstool.

Grid Philly with designer Jason Podlaski
A feature article in sustainable living magazine Grid with some quotes from and interview with Deckstool designer Jason Podlaski.

Hawaii Magazine - March 2012
Our 18” Deckstool was selected as “Editors Pick”, but is shown a little out of scale with the other bar height stools.

Go OutSide Magazine (Brazil) - Jan. 2014
SkateHook is featured as a wall-mounted phone holder in this Brazilian outdoor sports mag.

kidrobot Blog Feature 2011
“Pull up a seat and take a little break on some of the raddest up-cycled furniture in the DIY world…” You heard it here folks.
Much, much love to the always amazing and evolving kidrobot!

Deckstool Featured on inhabitat.com
Recycled skateboards are showcased on the preeminent “green” design blog website.

Deckstool featured on DesignMilk
Deckstool gets a nod from a legendary curator of cool, good design on the web.

UpcycledZine - 14 Design Ideas Using Skateboards
Rad designs from the collective masters of the skateboard recycling universe.

The Best Products Made with Recycled Skateboards
From the prime purveyor of party pop culture and listicles, Complex.com. The Best Products Made With Recycled Skateboards. We are stoked to have our Stool and SkateHook included.
Here: https://www.complex.com/style/2014/07/the-best-products-made-with-recycled-skateboards/